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2024-07-07 14:50

People moving together as one and with a vision is a great strength to have indeed

2024-07-07 13:21

Chen Weihua/China DailyHaving lived in Washington DC for almost five years, I have seen the city growing, with new construction and renovation projects happening in many streets and neighborhoods

2024-07-07 13:09

In the last 15 years, 43 Citation Laureates have gone on to receive Nobel honors, so the prize has been seen as an indicator of the Nobel prizes, introduced in memory of Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896)

2024-07-07 12:39

And overall, the perception gap between the US and China in the Philippines is narrowing

2024-07-07 12:39

The area, a 90 percent black neighborhood just a few decades ago, was only 30 percent African American by 2010